Welcome to AF Shipping

We are a logistics company and Shipbroker active in the port of Umeå, Holmsund where we offer a wide range of services in connection with seabourne transports of import and export goods. We can be your partner for local shiping aswell as shipping to other countries and areas like China and Africa.

The port of Umeå is a main shipping hub for forest products such as sawn timber and paper with regular traffic to both the continent and the mediterranean. In the port is also handled large import volumes of oilproducts and drybulk cargoes like grain and fertilizers. Weekly containerfeeder to the continent and daily ferrytraffic to Vaasa, Finland.

There are large storage areas available in the port near the E12 highway, suitable for project cargoes like windenergy converters, machinery and concrete elements. Indoor warehouses also available.

Berths with a depth up to 10,2 meters and shorecranes with a lifting capacity up to 125 tons are available

AF Shipping AB

Box 4110
904 04 UMEÅ


Email info@afshipping.se
Phone: +46 90 100963 (24 hrs)
Web: www.afshipping.se

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